Friday, December 15, 2006

Google, Your Inexpenive, Secure, One-Stop Internet Spot

Imagine my surprise this morning when a blurb in the Tribune said "Google Gets Into Web Site Registration" and, sure enough, a posting on the Google Blog. I had to stop and think for a moment of what else exists that Google does not touch or attempt to touch...and I'm still trying to come up with an answer. Google has become the Internet equivalent to Wal-Mart, where everything you do that involves technology is related to Google in some fashion, just as everything you purchase from a store is related to Wal-Mart in some fashion.

So now, if your a small business, a start up or a corporation that needs a website, Google not only gives you tools for building the website, but now you can register your domain as well. All for just $10 a year. You can get email addresses, calendars, instant messaging and a whole host of other Google products too, and all for free.

What business, of any size or type, wouldn't want that? Not to mention the fact that Google doesn't turn records or information over to government officials or agencies, so you know your corporate information will be secure. From outside intruders, anyway. And it is probably a fair assumption that if Google were to be hacked, they'd know about it right away and would be able to fix it in such a timely fashion that you probably won't even notice.

Given the rash of data that has been stolen from government and financial institutions, and the recent hacks at educational institutions, I imagine plenty of business owners and others who handle sensitive information will rest easy knowing their information is protected under the Google umbrella.

Think the government will want to get Google Apps for its Domains?

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